From Salisbury, Maryland ...
At the Intersection of Coastal Gateway Highway (US Route 50), Nanticoke Road (MD Route 349) and Isabella Street, proceed west on Nanticoke Road for approximately 15.5 miles (18 minutes) to St. Mary's Episcopal Church. The church is located on the right side of MD Route 349. (If you reach "Boonie's" Restaurant, you have passed St. Mary's.)
Landmarks you will pass from Salisbury to St. Mary's Episcopal Church with elapsed (miles - time) ...
* Maryland Department of Agriculture Eastern Shore Regional Offices (2.2 - 3).
* Route 347 at Intersection of MD Route 347 and MD Route 324 (7.2 - 8).
* Dave's Sport Shop and MD Route 415 (10.3 - 12).
* MD Route 352 (Capitola Road) (14.6 - 16).
* St. Mary's Church (15.5 - 18)
Outside the immediate area ....